Please subscribe to be notified when the next Challenge is happening! (Scroll down to end for Subscribe button).
Apr 13-24, 2020 | $25 per person
Plus a bonus “live” workout Saturday, April 25!
No equipment required but a mat and a positive attitude!
Set your own personal step goal based on your schedule and your goals!
Your Nutritional Challenge!
These 3 aspects of this Challenge are meant to get you used to moving every day, get excited about working on building muscle, and increase your awareness of the food you are eating and how your body responds to it. We will use our private Facebook group as a place to communicate, share wins, struggles, recipes, daily video links, AND accountability!
Share this page to recruit your family and friends for further accountability, community, and FUN – or purchase a gift card to give them to join you in the challenge! We will email you their special coupon code with instructions on how to redeem it.
Engagement and interaction in the Challenge Facebook group with other participants and with Kristen is GREATLY encouraged. The inspiration and motivation from others make a big difference in your actions, therefore, your results.
If you diligently follow this Challenge, you can expect to feel better, have more energy, lose a few inches, and may even lose between 2-8 pounds, which definitely increases our self-confidence levels!
Once you sign up online, you will receive an invitation to the private Facebook group, a healthy food list, and a Challenge Checklist to mark off each category for each day! So buckle down, fill your fridge with healthy yummies, pull out your exercise mat and let’s get this party started!