Yin Yoga

My friend and colleague, Christina Vargas, excitedly told me she was about to begin a Yin Yoga training with a local yoga instructor, Daniel Todd. I wanted in! I have always seen and understood the benefits of stretching. When I came to Dallas in 1998, I tried to market stretching sessions. After all, my athletic training background made me an expert at this, right? Well, yoga certainly hadn’t seen its Westernized hay day yet, and all the 20-year-olds I was around were too interested in building the perfect physique. Stretching was considered a waste of our hour session together. I was discouraged.

I don’t know if yoga has sparked an interest in flexibility, or if age plays a factor since I am now mostly surrounded by a 40+ clientele. Either way, I am newly invigorated by the interest in improving mobility through stretching. It is a big part of my week with my clients because of this desire to get loose, feel less tight, or feel younger. Well, this led me to join Christina and Daniel on the Yin Yoga Journey!

The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark has been one of our resources for learning all about this niche yoga practice. Bernie says that most forms of yoga today are a dynamic and active practice working the muscular half, “yang” tissues of our body. Yin Yoga allows us to work the other half, the deeper “yin” tissues of our ligaments, joints, deep fascial networks, and even our bones! All of our tissues are important and need to be exercised so we can achieve optimal health and vitality.

Yin YogaOur sessions have included learning about Yin Yoga theory and of course, the asanas, or poses. We played with all of them, ooo’ed and ahhh’ed a lot and discovered the intensifications to go deeper and the modifications for those super tight clients. Every pose felt so delightful or “yummy” as I like to say. Of course, I want to share this with others!

The benefits of Yin Yoga extend from physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and for some spiritual. I think incorporating this aspect of fitness and well-being is extremely important and you’ll be happy to know that a variety of slow or passive classes are offered on TrainerKristen.com. As a member, you’ll have access to short and basic stretching sequences, deep stretch, Yin Yoga, and even meditation classes – all at your fingertips! I invite you to join the TrainerKristen.com community or if you are already a member, be sure to check out this Oh So Important piece to your fitness puzzle.

Christina Vargas is an Ayurvedic Health Practitioner and yoga instructor in Dallas, Texas. She owns Simpleveda Ayurveda + Yoga and has an office near downtown Dallas.
Insta @simpleveda_ayurveda
Daniel Todd is a yoga instructor and leads Yoga Teacher Training at The Yoga Movement in Dallas, Texas.
Insta @danieltodd.yoga @theyogamovementdallas

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