Online Personal Training – Q&A with Corinne

Since beginning her online personal training journey, Corinne has been an absolute joy to work with! She has been committed to her program since Day 1 of the TK90 program, and it has been amazing to watch her get stronger and more fit every single week. However, the biggest shift I have seen for Corinne is her mindset around working out.

Before she started the program, Corinne was not moving her body on a regular basis. As she became consistent, I saw her energy levels skyrocket and her lust for life came out! She shares her struggles and her wins with me almost every day, so I know where she is emotionally, physically, and mentally! I could not be more proud of this girl!

Here is my Q&A with Corinne

What stopped you from achieving your goals before

I was never consistent with exercise and I never found something that was really fun to keep me going. NOW I sometimes even get up earlier to do my workout despite the fact that I‘m not a morning person at all!

What were your goals entering into Kristen’s 90-day Program? 

My goals were to get healthier overall, lose some weight and gain strength for the next skiing season!

Have you achieved your goals? 

I am on the right path but I still have a long way to go. I already feel better and healthier overall, have more energy, I have lost some pounds and am getting stronger. ????????????

How did Kristen specifically help you reach those goals? 

She made a great workout program especially for me and my needs and motivated me from the beginning to keep going and try new things. She gives me feedback on all of my comments on the workouts and she had become part of my daily life despite the fact that we live on different continents!

What is unique about Kristen’s Online Personal Training Program? 

Kristen ???? Her positivity, her smile, and her passion. To be honest, I was not sure if online training was going to work for me, but I tried and it is so much fun and so easy to do. You don‘t need much space or time and you don’t even need to leave your flat. That makes it really easy to do your workouts every day. I really appreciate Kristen’s daily feedback and how she supports and motivates me. I just love her videos and that she also shares parts of her life with us on these videos too! She always gives suggestions for modifications and helpful tips. Also, the variety of videos is just awesome!

Is there anything else you’d like to share about Kristen, her Program or her videos? 

I think you just have to try it out and see for yourself how easy it is to move regularly. Even if it is just a short workout, it feels so good to do something and to see how you‘re doing better and how it gets easier every week. After the first workout, which contained a lot of squats, I could barely walk the next day and now I‘m doing sometimes some squats just for fun while waiting for a tram ????.

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