Melissa’s Story: Healthy habits, engaging workouts and no more counting calories!

In February I decided this was going to be my year to finally get in shape and stay that way. So I signed up for a diet program and got to work. By April I was down 10 pounds and felt like I was well on my way, but while I was dropping pounds I wasn’t actually working out and getting stronger. I felt that this needed to change, so I went back to some old videos and workout challenges I had tried before, but quickly remembered why I dropped those routines, to begin with – they were repetitive and boring!

A friend was doing the TK Spring Challenge so I joined her on some of her workouts and loved them! They were difficult, but had modifications, were different every time, so I didn’t get bored and were social distance approved, but they still felt really personal.

After trying a few workouts I signed up for the DIY Program and have been doing 5 TK DIY workouts every week since and haven’t been bored once. Since starting with Trainer Kristen in May, I ended up dropping my weight loss program and started just doing the workouts consistently, getting my 10k steps a day, and cutting back on sugar and gluten. (Great tips I learned really work for me in the Summer Challenge!) I was elated to find I could still lose weight without counting a single calorie or point!!! Amazing!

As of August, I am now down 26 pounds, feel so much stronger, and have muscles I can see!

I definitely have more work to do, but I’m confident that I have been able to create a sustainable routine of engaging workouts and healthy eating habits that will get me to my health and fitness goals.

~ Melissa


Inspired By Melissa – the client of the month!

Melissa reached out to me and joined the DIY monthly membership with after some of her friends completed the Spring Challenge. After a slow start, I encouraged her to comment on every workout I posted on the private DIY Facebook group as a layer of accountability to me and herself. Melissa has never looked back since that day in early May.

Her commitment to five 30-minute TK workouts a week pushed her through her weight loss plateau. And after recently completing the Summer Shape-Up Challenge, she has reached a monumental point of being down 25 pounds since February of this year! WooHoo!

Her positive attitude, her dedication, and her drive to make a change in her life has been incredibly inspiring to watch and to be a part of.  Melissa is my first Client of the Month that is NOT a TK90 client. She pays $25/month. She does 30-minute workouts in her living room. (Time, money & space are NOT an excuse!)

She committed to herself and puts in the time and the work. But let’s be clear. She is watching her nutrition, she has made big shifts over the last 5 months. But she is also only completing 30 minute workouts. Her success is from her consistency. Even when the day has flown by, she buckles down and gets her workout in at 10:00pm or later! Whoa! She gets is done because she can do it in her living room and because she has made a commitment to herself. I am incredibly proud of this girl! She is constantly impressing and inspiring me. I am honored to be a part of your journey, Melissa. Keep. It. Up. xoxo
